2019 Rates | Photos | Quotation

Good Memories are found in photos
A picture captures emotions that speaks a thousand words. It triggers good memories for people to bond over. This is why we help clients capture events that are worth recalling. Regardless of what you are planning, make sure there is a FastTrack photographer to capture it all.
Rates 2020
Our rates start at $90-$120 per hour, depending on requirements. Photos will be selected, professionally edited and sent via a download link. For booking and rates enquiries, we can be reached at,
SMS/Call: +65 8874 8737
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Precious Memories with an Experienced Event Photography Team
Corporate / Formal Events
We've captured many important corporate events with Ministers, Mayors, and Foreign Dignitaries such as Dinner & Dance (D&D), workshops, learning events, excursions, CSR activities, and team cohesions. Our clients have used these professionally taken photos to create impressive suites of marketing collaterals that will surely impress clients and talents, as much as enable a memorable reflection after the event is over.

Community Events & CSR
Touching moments captured in photos has that magical ability to create connection and elicit strong support for your projects and causes. People remember images and associate personal meanings to them. Let us capture your social or community events and work our magic.

Real Estate Photos
Making a house look attractive is really important when it comes to selling or renting it out because of one reason: Attention!
Nice looking homes (in photos) catches people's attention, and through that create interest for them to find out more. FastTrack Photographers can help you achieve photos that look fantastic by capturing your house from perfect angles, and lighting up dark areas within the house. We'll make spaces look more impressive by capturing them with a wide angle lens!

Other Concept Photos

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